AICM Sunday School offers weekly Qur'an, Arabic, and Islamic Studies classes for children ages 4 and up. It is held every Sunday from 10:15 AM until 1:30 PM. The school runs throughout the year, with a three month break in the summer.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Quran Competition Success

Salam Alykum.

Alhamdulilla the Quran Competition went well, jazakallah khair for all the kids, parents and Teachers for their efforts.

I am proud of all the kids, specially L3 almost all the kids memorized full surah.

I have the certificate of L1 Ali, Adam Almashni, Nimer please take it next sunday.

If you didn't get prize now, start preparing for Islamic Studies Jeopardy competition soon.

Let us know if you need link of the video recording.

Quran Competition schedule

Quran Competition schedule

Start 10:30 Am with L1 then L2 by 11:15
11:15 to 11:30 pizza
11:30 to 12:15 L3
12:15 to 1 L4
1:30 to 2 Awards

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Quran Competition

Salam Alykum Parents!

I would like to remind about the Quran Competition inshallah Sunday December 28th.

All parents are requested to come with family and encourage the kids in this good deed please.
Exciting Prizes for winner!

Timings will be 10:30 to 2 inshallah. snacks will be served.

Jazakallah Khair!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

level 1 quran test

children should know Surah
an naas
al falaq
and al ikhlaas

level 1 Arabic Study Guide

The children will just need to  know this first 11 letter of the alphabet verbal and written.

level 2 Arabic study guide

Insha'Allah for level 2 Arabic they will have to know the alphabet completely and know the difference between the letters that look similar

ex: saad and daad; daad has one dot and saad does not, same for ayn and ghayn, ta and za, seen and sheen.

level 2 islamic studies study guide

  •  We worship only one god
  • Muhammad is a Rasul of Allah
  • Muslims pray 5 times daily
  • We have to make wudu before salah
  • the athan is the the call for salah
  • Ramadan is the month of fasting
  • AT the end of Ramadan is Eid
  • there are 5 pillars of islam
  • Salah means five daily prayers
  • fasting means not to eat nor drink
  • muslim go to Makkah to pray hajj
  • During Ramadan, after sunset we eat iftar
  • Zakah is the fourth pillar of islam
  • We say Bismillah before doing anything
  • Rahman means kind
  • Rahim means reward 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

TEST 2, Quran Competition, Parent Teacher meeting - Dates

AICM Sunday school Notice to Parents: (Inshallah)

1.      TEST 2 will be on 12/14/2014 – Check Website/WhatApp for study guide/Curriculum

2.      Quran Competition will be on 12/28/2014.
EXCITING PRIZES for Winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd Prizes)
Please help your Kids to memorize the Surah and encourage them by attending the competition after Dhuhr Salah on 12/28/2014 from 12PM to 1:30 PM
Surah Quraish
Surah Tin
L3A & 3B
Surah Tariq

Ayman: Surah Alaq

Mahdy, Adam, Hamza: Surah Mulk
L4A, L4B
Surah Mulk

3.      Please check the blogger for announcement - 

4.      Please stay in group on Whatapp “SUNDAY SCHOOL” (Request Access # Um Anas #2515108966)

5.      Please prepare to attend the Parent Teacher meeting on 01/11/2015 Sunday at 12PM.

6.      Please come on time 10:15 AM and 1:30PM to pick the Kids, School may charge $5 if you come late to pick up later than 1:45PM. (Car pool recommended)